发布于 13 年前 作者 xuhaijinsky2008 27616 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 9 年前

https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/modules#wiki-logs 好多日志模块,都看花了眼,大家都用哪个记录日志呢?

Logging and dumping

ain — Brain-free syslog logging Caterpillar — Caterpillar is an awesome, simple, intuitive console logger for node.js. It supports grouping of messages, filtering log levels, colors, times, modules, custom formatters and custom transports. cfdump.js — a more visually inspiring way to dump your objects to a browser flume-rpc — A flume-compatible (RPC) logging source and sink gelf-node - gelf-node is a full implementation for sending messages in GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format) from node.js to Graylog hexy.js — hex pretty printing like xxd inspect — hierarchical object inspection displaying ancestry, properties, methods, and accessors in great detail. jog — JSON-based logger with multiple stores, namespacing, CLI and more log.js — light-weight logger that works with any writable stream, also supports a streaming parser for reading the log files generated log4js-node — a port of log4js framework for node.js logging — Super sexy color console logging. logly — A minimal logging utility to support verbose and debug modes with basic colors logule — A sexy portable logging utility using colors nlogger — Logging lib that can print also module names and line numbers, optionally in color node-logentries — A winston-compatible wrapper library for the logentries.com service node-logging — Simple colorized logging for Node.js with request logger Express middleware node-streamlogger — Extensively customizable logging, with support for rotation node-tick — v8.log processor NodeLog — Logging library for Node.js based on the java.util.logging library. nogg — Simple file/stdio logging for node.js spruce — configurable node.js logging module tracer — A powerful and customizable logging library for node.js. support color console with timestamp, line number, method name, file name and call stack. you can set transport to file, stream, database(ex: mongodb and clouddb, simpledb). keywords: log, logger, trace underscore.logger — Cross-browser and Node.js empowered logging that can be used as an Underscore mixin. Windows Event Log Js — native Node.js module to log messages to the Microsoft Windows EventLog Winston — A multi-transport async logging library for node.js PuperGrep - Real-time web view for your logs with hightlighting, grep and more.

11 回复



http://cnodejs.org/topic/4f50628498766f5a61082c93 https://github.com/baryon/tracer https://github.com/trentm/node-bunyan



安装 Grunt 的时候也在想… 这么多模块, 作者自己都认得吗… 而且 Node 模块特分散, 到底怎么去找才好… 太多太多了





tracer:输出到文件、定义输出格式(format)、滚动日志文件、日志级别 bunyan:除了普通的日志功能外,几个特点:JSON格式、Child(跟踪日志调用栈)、DTrace(动态调整日志级别)。Joyent在产品实践系列debug部分提到这个模块,当时没有仔细看,重新翻出来看看,果然强悍!


我是tracer的作者,谈一点我的观点。 对于node.js,没有太好的debug工具,所以打log是必备的选项,tracer基本是为了完成这个任务来做的。简单快速,容易定制是基本设计思路。在开发阶段容易debug。 换到生产环境时,可以容易地通过设置level来限制log的输出。




在debian linux下,我使用下面的命令来启动app

/usr/local/bin/forever start
-p /var/run/forever
–pidfile /var/run/your.app.pid
-l /root/log/your.app_$(date +%y%m%d).log -a
/usr/local/bin/nodemon --exitcrash --watch /root/app/your.app -e js,css,html /root/app/your.app/app.js --port 3001



@damngoto 今天去npm搞了好几个,想不通一个log Winston搞得这么复杂……
