发布于 12 年前 作者 yeefont 4340 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前

本人开发的一个项目,发布在Github上。地址为https://github.com/yeefont/http4gfw 对Socket, Stream的事件处理是否合理,不是很有把握。欢迎大家指教。 以下说明就是README

Http4GFW is a free and open source project developed by Yeefont. It aims to make web traffic pass through some sensitive firewall in internet. Thanks to socket.io , the task on HTTP-traffic is much simpler now.

How It Works

System Architecture of Http4gfw

Config & Run

  1. upload the project to Http-Host Server supporting Node.js, app.js is the start script.
  2. in local machine, run SOCKS5 script localA.js
  3. in local machine, run DNS-Server Script localB.js
  4. in local machine, set Browser’s SOCKS5 proxy address(default is, set interface’s DNS-Server address(default is

Please modify config.js according to your environment.


You can run the proxy-server in local machine.


  1. the speed is much slower than normal VPN
  2. it is just an experimental project, must have many bugs.
1 回复

looking good. 加油
