注册了一堆 ML 免费域名, 前来水贴
发布于 12 年前 作者 jiyinyiyong 6697 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前

呃… 卖关子吧, 随意猜猜链接指向哪里 :P

http://alphatown.ml http://askwho.ml http://bower-search.ml.ml http://chenyong.ml http://chin-up.ml http://cirru.ml http://clojure-china.ml http://cnode.ml http://cnpont.ml http://code-street.ml http://coder-news.ml http://coffee-js.ml http://coffee-script.ml http://enumerable.ml http://favorate.ml http://fcitx.ml http://girlfriendless.ml http://git-init.ml http://gitcafe.ml http://github-user.ml http://githubuser.ml http://golang-china.ml http://hacker-news.ml http://hackernews.ml http://haskell-china.ml http://innerht.ml http://jiyinyiyong.ml http://languagus.ml http://lightdm.ml http://lilyturf.ml http://livescript.ml http://myideas.ml http://myzjut.ml http://nexttick.ml http://nodejs-china.ml http://nogirlfriend.ml http://npm-search.ml http://npmjs.ml http://objectnotfound.ml http://orvz.ml http://outterht.ml http://python-china.ml http://qian-duan.ml http://ruby-china.ml http://seajs.ml http://spmjs.ml http://sublime-text.ml http://thisblog.ml http://titleleaf.ml http://wan-an.ml http://xoxlll.ml

http://ssh-agent.ml http://good-reader.ml http://moonscript.ml http://ps-aux.ml http://chown-r.ml http://tanglejs.ml http://diaoscovery.ml

另外 ML 是一门编程语言, Haskell 语法的来源吧, 只能说膜拜了 两个域名, 都被我抢了

http://robin-milner.ml http://metalanguage.ml

我不大清楚多久域名的限制会起作用, 免费注册的过程中有这样的提示:

This domain is available! But if you pay, you get a lot more! When you pay you own the domain legally, you may sell or transfer your domain and you do not have the minimum user requirement of 25 hits per 90 days. Pricing starts at just EUR 6.95 per year. It’s all up to you!

注册的网站是: http://my.freenom.com/ 我是挂着网注册的

不清楚具体会有哪些问题, 可能中间心不在焉就弄错么, 有发现希望告知, 谢谢

10 回复

ML ==> Make Love 这域名信息量太大了

我注册了可是在 Domain Panel 下面看不到我已经添加的域。。。虽然是注册成功啦 地址


可能是没挂代理的问题. 不确定

哪里注册的啊 我也要!


@jiyinyiyong 英语太烂 没找到哪注册

@q1270989 如果 Google 翻译都救不了楼上的话我也没办法了…

貌似昨晚注册的域名现在都失效了 O_O

