请问webstorm里怎么设置supervisor 啊
发布于 11 年前 作者 gblackfire 8759 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前

各位大神,小的是Node.js的初学者,请教各位,在MAC 上用webstorm编写NODE.JS,怎么设置supervisor呢?我用npm安装了supervisor,但是不知道怎么在webstorm上设置,还请大神们帮帮忙啊~~~

5 回复

WebStorm/IntelliJ run configuration for non-debug:

Name: supervisor app.js
Path to node: <same>
Node Parameters: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/supervisor/lib/cli-wrapper.js --exec         /usr/local/bin/node --no-restart-on exit
Working directory: <same>
Path to Node App JS File: app.js

These paths are for Mac OS X 10.8 so you’ll have to replace the above paths with paths on your machine. Next, you’ll be able to run this in debug mode but it doesn’t step through the code.

For debugging you can either use the remote debugger or just have a different run target for debugging without using supervisor.



supervisor 现在一支持debug,因为–debug-brk参数增加了端口指定

supervisor就是个坑爹的 CPU爆高
