IBM Bluemix General Availability!
发布于 11 年前 作者 fashion033 3335 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前

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It’s here! Today marks the general availability of IBM Bluemix, our open cloud platform intended to facilitate rapid development of applications in the cloud. With more than 50 services and flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing, the GA adds a lot of new functions since our last beta refresh at the end of May. Below, I’ll give you a glimpse of all of the cool features that are live and available right now.

Pricing and Free Accounts

Ok, let’s get the business part of this out of the way right up front — basic accounts remain free. If you don’t already have an account, you can just go to, register, and get free instant access to a 30-day trial without a credit card.

After registration, you’ll start with a trial that allows you to build apps and add services at no charge. When the trial is over, you’ll continue to have access to freebies and you’ll pay only for what you use above and beyond that. You’ll have a lot of flexibility to choose the runtime usage levels and service plans that best meet your needs as shown on the new Bluemix Pricing page.

Solutions & New Services

Bluemix is about helping you quickly compose building blocks to solve your problems. With that in mind, we’re providing Solutions Pages to inform you about the extensive number services in these major categories:

■Web and Application ■Integration ■Big Data ■Open Cloud

■Mobile ■Data Management ■Business Analytics

■DevOps ■Security ■Internet of Things

The list of services in these areas keeps growing. Today, 7 new services have been made available to aid with business analytics, dev ops, internet of things, and security:…
