开源的MeteorJS应用,www.hast.me, Live Markdown Presentation
发布于 10 年前 作者 zhouzhuojie 4294 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前

Hast.me, Live Markdown Presentation


Website: www.hast.me

Host 在 Amazon AWS不知道国内访问如何。

Github: https://github.com/zhouzhuojie/hast.


  • 可以实时转换成Online播放,观众如果打开同样的地址会收听到播放页面的切换,以及任何的文字改动。
  • Markdown随手写起,分页符号是“////”,打开网站后就是一个很完整的demo
  • MathJax完美嵌入Markdown, 没有语法冲突。我用的是ipython-notebook的解决方案
  • 代码高亮,Github模式

以下就直接copy了repo内的README, 如果大家上手过MeteorJS,应该很快能喜欢这个app。如果大家愿意star我的repo,或者提交issue和PR更好:),愿意和大家一起开发更多有意思的开源应用。


Hast is a WYSIWYG markdown flavor presentation tool made for everyone! We love markdown, did I mention it? It uses github style markdown. It quickly does the real time broadcasting and hot pushing changes. Hast uses Meteor, DeckJS, aceEditor, etc.

Website: Hast.me

How it works

Video Demo at Youtube

Make sure you have NodeJS, Meteor, Meteorite installed.

$ curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
$ npm install -g meteorite

Clone the repo and run.

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/zhouzhuojie/hast.git
$ cd hast
$ mrt

Sync between the editor and presentation

Broadcast to your audience

Control the slides and hot push your changes


  • Save as you type. Saved in LocalStorage if you are guest and in Server if you are logged in.
  • Sharing public presentations is easy. Make it public through your archives.
  • Sync everything, broadcast playing and changes made by the host.
  • Easy user privacy control. Only the owner can change the presentation.
  • Use iframe to include anything that is interesting. PDF, Video, Documents, even some data visualization like D3.
  • MathJax is supported. E.g. $x^2+y^2=1$
4 回复



首次运行报错,,关于npm啥的。。第二次也报错,第三次 ,成功了。
