【daiily Node】React Components
发布于 10 年前 作者 yaochun 4976 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前


   In the Node community, frontend package managers are regarded with suspicion. I’ve worked on projects that manage client-side dependencies with both Bower and npm, and although Bower does an admirable job I often feel like I should be using npm instead. That’s mainly because I always have to add a step where client-side files are preprocessed and moved from where Bower downloads them, so it’s not really much different to accessing the same files in node_modules.


8 回复

看来react 用的人还是很少啊

国外应该不少的, 刚这几个月热起来. 打点生产线上除了 Facebook 那么几家, 没有多少

@jiyinyiyong 豌豆荚在很早前就开始投入生产环境了~

@yaochun 好消息啊, 链接个页面看看?

@jiyinyiyong 目前都在大部分是应用在豌豆荚客户端产品里面,有兴趣的化,可以去下载一个豌豆荚pc客户端

@yaochun Mac 的客户端也是吗

@jiyinyiyong 不是啦,就是官网 pc的windows客户端产品,因为豌豆荚最早期的cat陈后来去了facebook工作,所以我们会很早就尝试一些facebook的东西

@yaochun 嗯, 这个真心早. Mac 用户表示 PC 就算了…
