发布于 10 年前 作者 i5ting 3521 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 9 年前 来自 分享

This package contains JavaScript implementations of common data structures with idiomatic interfaces.

Future work


make array dispatch length property changes between range changes to be consistent with List. comprehensive specs and spec coverage tests fast list splicing revise map changes to use separate handlers for add/delete revise tokens for range and map changes to specify complete alternate delegate methods, particularly for forwarding directly to dispatch Make it easier to created a SortedSet with a criterion like Function.by(Function.get(‘name’)) evaluate exposing observeProperty, observeRangeChange, and observeMapChange instead of the aEL/rEL inspired API FRB exposes today, to minimize book-keeping and garbage collection possibly refactor to make shimming more opt-in More possible collections

sorted-list (sorted, can contain duplicates, perhaps backed by splay tree with relaxation on the uniqueness invariant, or a skip list) sorted-multi-map (sorted, can contain duplicate entries) buffer (backed by a circular array, emits cull events) trie-set trie-map immutable-* (mutation functions return new objects that largely share the previous version’s internal state, some perhaps backed by a hash trie) array set (a set, for fast lookup, backed by an array for meaningful range changes)


  • 代码质量不是很高,学习数据结构还不错(容易看懂,哈哈)
  • 其他大家发挥吧(会不会都要补一下吧?)