发布于 10 年前 作者 bboalimoe 4729 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前 来自 招聘

非英文职位!在中国用中国话交流,查资料必须google,wiki。。 So。。。

Startup Project Descriptions:

Petchat a social platform called Petchat in which every user would own a virtual cute robot. And this robot could help solve the ice-breaking puzzles and learn the users‘ habbit by communicating with its master as well as under the guidance of the cloud service SDK Senz. With this pet robot, user would find any conversation occured in this platform would be an ease and with great pleasure. And definitely, in this platform, you could get to know lots of people like you, such as with the same taste of food, have the same favor of sports kind and have the relatively exact style of routine life.

Senz-cloud service we start the Senz project out of the aim that: 1.we can help people to know him/her self for adjusting its life to the best way. 2.we let other commercials know how to treat people well and give what the customer’s needs. 3.we make the ads friendly to every user and exact to the peoples’ buying need.

Environments and vision our team feeds on the Algorithm. Although we love engineering, algorithms are through our working routine. We have the geek environment,the cutting-edge industrial products can be found anywhere in our working office.We are lucky to know brilliant people. So if you like what we do, approve how we do, then come and join us.

Job requirements 1.nodejs backend:program the cloud code on the leancloud platform mainly focusing the IM based interactive logic. : at least one year practical experience with node. 2.ios/android engineer:do the front-end page processing and interaction. : at least one year practical experience with ios/android 3.data analyzer: Analyze the data gathered from the social platform and building users‘ personalized portrait. : at least two years’ experience of algorithms accumulation, familiar with Bayes, clustering, EM, HMM and etc.

Work Location:New York Apartment,Haidian,Beijing (near the Suzhoujie Subway Station) Salary&Pay:fairly above the average in this industry,with extra equity or stock options. Capital Raising: Two million from Innoangel

you can contact with our team through email bboalimoe@gmail.com or phone 13311280378 Thanks a lot!

3 回复

A virtual cute robot? cool, but first i think about Raspberry Pi. in the future, if you company have a big datas, you can do IOT, and based with Raspberry Pi. That’s so cool and fantastic.

@struCoder hello the robot is just a vitual image that appears on top of the chat view. we gathered lots of users’ likes and dislikes data to improve the dialogue fluency and break the ice between users.

So, Any interests in Joining us~? aha

@bboalimoe Thanks : ) Maybe a few months, i will change my work.
