Pull request 最佳实践(t3js文档里,写的挺清楚的)
发布于 10 年前 作者 i5ting 5413 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前 来自 分享

Pull request 最佳实践

We want to accept your pull requests. Please follow these steps:

我们希望这样来接收你的pull requests. 请按照下面的步骤进行:

Step 1: File an issue

Before writing any code, please file an issue stating the problem you want to solve or the feature you want to implement. This allows us to give you feedback before you spend any time writing code. There may be a known limitation that can’t be addressed, or a bug that has already been fixed in a different way. The issue allows us to communicate and figure out if it’s worth your time to write a bunch of code for the project.


Step 2: Fork this repository in GitHub

This will create your own copy of our repository.


Step 3: Add the upstream source

The upstream source is the project under the Box organization on GitHub. To add an upstream source for this project, type:


git remote add upstream git@github.com:box/t3js.git

This will come in useful later.


Step 4: Create a feature branch

Create a branch with a descriptive name, such as add-search.

创建一个见名知意的分支,比如 add-search.

Step 5: Push your feature branch to your fork

As you develop code, continue to push code to your remote feature branch. Please make sure to include the issue number you’re addressing in your commit message, such as:


git commit -m "Adding search (fixes #123)"

This helps us out by allowing us to track which issue your commit relates to.


Keep a separate feature branch for each issue you want to address.


Step 6: Rebase

Before sending a pull request, rebase against upstream, such as:

在发送pull request之前,对upstream进行rebase,如下:

git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master

This will add your changes on top of what’s already in upstream, minimizing merge issues.


Step 7: Run the tests

Make sure that all tests are passing before submitting a pull request.

一定要确保在提交pull request之前,所有测试都是通过的。

Step 8: Send the pull request

Send the pull request from your feature branch to us. Be sure to include a description that lets us know what work you did.

从你的feature分支发送pull request给我们。一定要带有描述信息,它能让我们知道你做了哪些修改。

Keep in mind that we like to see one issue addressed per pull request, as this helps keep our git history clean and we can more easily track down issues.

谨记:我们喜欢看到issue对应着一个pull request,这会让我们的git历史记录干净,而且我们可以更简单的追踪问题。

3 回复


@russj 谢谢啊~~
