Awesome Node.js development tools for 2015
发布于 9 年前 作者 ganeshkumar123 4727 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前 来自 分享

With the arrival of Node.js, creating a website in JavaScript is very easy and cost-effective. This framework brings a massive changeover in the web application development with the advanced push innovation instead of using old web sockets. With these beneficial aspects, Node.js is gaining popularity among web developers who aspire to develop their next website in this framework.

There are many prominence tools in Node.js which helps in designing and establishing a successful website and mobile application with ease. Here are 7 useful and amazing Node.js development tools which ease the burden of a Node.js developer.


Creating the web or mobile application in Node.js is not an anymore difficult task with the help of Express framework. It is a highly flexible framework and fully integrated with a wide range of features. It has great tools and features for developing the useful website.

It automatically connects many needed tools when it is installed, which helps to ease the work to the larger extent. Express, the web development framework, comes with the connect middleware tool and many new functionalities for establishing an excellent web site in Node.js framework. It also helps to create model-driven apps.


The most useful tool of Node.js is specially created for establishing a flexible and advanced mobile application effortlessly. Real-time and enterprise-grade application creation is very simple with many cutting-edge features of Sails.js tool. It is very useful for managing and maintaining the coding of the apps with ease. Apps can be created at a faster pace. It also saves time by automating the process of creating the models and controllers.


The best development framework for Node.js is none other than Stylus. It is highly power packed with numerous logical functionalities. Each and every logical operation is very expressive and easy to use. The syntax of Stylus is very minimal and flexible in nature when compared to LESS and Sass.

It is embedded with exclusive features like variables, mixins, conditionals, and a wide range of built-in functions. When a CSS preprocessor like Stylus is used, we can make use of it along with our preferred IDE and Node.js or JavaScript to build the desired website effectively.


Data is easily transferred from the server to the client without making any delay in the Socket.IO tool. This real-time JavaScript library is very helpful to bidirectional event-based communication. Socket.IO based codes will not face any transporting problems and browser incompatibility.

The major advantages of this excellent library are better debugging, streamlined API, high integration, scalability, binary support and CDN deliveries.


Cylon.js, an impressive JavaScript framework specially designed for robotics, Internet of things and physical computing in the Node.js framework. This is highly supported for all enhanced platform. It also lends its hand to maintain multiple platforms concurrently.

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Unique Command Line Interface (CLI) is used by Cylon, which helps to create new robots, adaptors and drivers effectively. node.js developer Express sail.js stylus cylon.js node-js-tools1.png

2 回复

sail.js 不好用 , 特别是绑定了 Waterline ORM …
