Senior Software Developer/ Project Lead - Oracle Social Cloud
发布于 9 年前 作者 cash2001 3882 次浏览 来自 招聘

Who we are: The Oracle Cloud Social Platform is the solution of choice for the world’s biggest brands trying to connect with customers across the social web. We are bringing the best of breed Social Marketing, Site Building, Monitoring and Engagement products to the market. The Opportunity: Oracle Social Cloud is seeking smart and talented software engineers to work on our suite of Social Media Management products and has the ambitious to influence the architecture. Our core requirement is that you have solid software development skills, in particular as an object-oriented programmer. Most importantly, we want to see a strong desire to write good code and a willingness to learn Ruby on Rails and modern Javascript if you don’t know them already. Our engineers come from a variety of backgrounds including Ruby, Java, C++, .NET, PHP, and Python. Would you like to…  Help to scale apps to handle over 1500 requests per minute?  Have your work be seen by hundreds of millions of people?  Help to spend your day engineering software instead of wasting time in meetings?  Help to solve interesting problems in social media primarily on Weibo, LinkedIn Wechat, Instagram, Line etc.? Required Skills:  Solid knowledge of at least one object oriented programming language;  Good understanding of dynamic language like RoR;  Hands on experience with backbone.js, node.js, Spine.js or similar;  Technologies you’ll use at Oracle Social Cloud: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, RDBMS, NoSQL DBs, RSpec, Cucumber, and Jasmine Brief Posting Description Design, develop, troubleshoot and debug software programs for databases, applications, tools, networks etc. Detailed Description As a member of the software engineering division, you will assist in defining and developing software for tasks associated with the developing, debugging or designing of software applications or operating systems. Provide technical leadership to other software developers. Specify, design and implement modest changes to existing software architecture to meet changing needs. Job Requirements  Duties and tasks are varied and complex needing independent judgment.  Fully competent in own area of expertise.  May have project lead role and or supervise lower level personnel.  BS or MS degree or equivalent experience relevant to functional area. 4 years of software engineering or related experience. Good oral and written English skill and be able to independently work with US colleagues Design, develop, troubleshoot and debug software programs for databases, applications, tools, networks etc.

As a member of the software engineering division, you will assist in defining and developing software for tasks associated with the developing, debugging or designing of software applications or operating systems. Provide technical leadership to other software developers. Specify, design and implement modest changes to existing software architecture to meet changing needs.

Duties and tasks are varied and complex needing independent judgment. Fully competent in own area of expertise. May have project lead role and or supervise lower level personnel. BS or MS degree or equivalent experience relevant to functional area. 4 years of software engineering or related experience.

Detail Description Design, develop, troubleshoot and debug software programs for databases, applications, tools, networks etc.

As a member of the software engineering division, you will assist in defining and developing software for tasks associated with the developing, debugging or designing of software applications or operating systems. Provide technical leadership to other software developers. Specify, design and implement modest changes to existing software architecture to meet changing needs.

Duties and tasks are varied and complex needing independent judgment. Fully competent in own area of expertise. May have project lead role and or supervise lower level personnel. BS or MS degree or equivalent experience relevant to functional area. 4 years of software engineering or related experience.

问: 神马???我有没有看错? Oracle也开始用Ruby了,那Java兄肿么办? 答: 是的!这世界变化快,哦也没有办法 :-1 谁让那些创业公司都用ruby呢?甲骨文云社交平台是通过收购美国本土成功的创业公司(如Vitrue, Involver, Collective Intellect, BlueKai)来组建的,所以抹油办法了,只好用Ruby喽!!(不过话说Ruby还挺好用的说。。。)

问: 甲骨文。。。大公司。。。很沉闷死板了喽? 答: 错!说实在话,俺们现在很纠结的啦,500强的名头,创业公司的文化(但不是加班文化哦)。俺们团队平均年龄相当低,俺30出头,已经是“老当益壮”, “老奸巨猾”,“发挥余热”了。。。。(另,由于团队太活跃,已然被其他组投诉好多次了。。。)

问: 产品干嘛的? 答: 官方的那些销售语言俺就不说了。简单来讲: Oracle的社交云平台(SRM,社交关系管理)目的要整合地球(注意,是地球)上主流的社交关系网络,来实现商业公司与消费者社交关系通道的统一配置与管理。Oracle社交关系管理(SRM)平台是业内第一个统一的集成平台,它为客户提供了从内容创建,协作化管理,消息响应到语义分析的整体解决方案。目前SRM已在全球和众多知名社交网站及应用展开战略合作,包括Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Weibo等等,未来Oracle会继续加大对亚洲区市场的扩展和投入。此外,利用Oracle强大的背书,SRM正在和多个Oracle CRM系统开展对接,无疑SRM将成为众多企业参与下一代互联网竞争所必不可少的决定性工具。 产品官网看这里:

问: 那你们的优势捏? 答: 俺们不逗比,不画饼。那些该有的(比如神马弹性工作制啊,优越办公环境啊,双休啊,无限量零食啊,聚餐啊)必须有! 还有神马美女帅哥啊,那也不是事,关键是俺们的美女帅哥都是神马耶鲁啊,MIT啊,宾大啊,清华啊,北大的。。。还有还有,俺们有安全感,俺们不加班(真的不加那种)。。。

问: 你们会不会跟“啊倒闭”那家公司一样,搞几年中国team就over了呢? 答: 不好意思,俺们老大中国人。。。



  1. 三年以上互联网应用开发经验,优秀毕业生亦可(但目前不接受实习)
  2. 熟练掌握Ruby语言,熟悉Rails,有ROR项目开发经验
  3. 熟悉基本的Linux命令,熟练操作Linux,有Linux下开发经验
  4. 熟悉流行数据库(SQL Server/MySQL/Oracle)
  5. 有一定算法基础,良好的面向对象思维
  6. 优秀的学习能力,优秀的沟通能力,勇于承担责任,易于合作并帮助团队成功


  1. 熟悉HTML/CSS或熟练掌握Javascript
  2. 熟悉Shell脚本编写
  3. 熟悉流行前端框架,如:Backbone, AngularJS
  4. 熟悉TDD/BDD,熟悉RSpec,Jasmine等测试框架
  5. 有数据库设计或优化经验
  6. 熟悉社交网络集成开发
  7. 良好的英语读写听说能力


  1. 高于行业的薪资水平
  2. 年终奖金
  3. 弹性工作制
  4. 优厚福利,如:公司级及团队TB活动,无限量供应的零食,TEDTalk分享会,加班餐,网费报销
  5. 硅谷出差机会

工作地点 海淀区西二旗中关村软件园


  1. 保持快速增长的崭新团队
  2. 打造引领行业并帮助世界最顶尖公司走向成功的社交产品
  3. 与世界领先的Rails技术团队零距离沟通
  4. 轻松高效的团队氛围
  5. 工作与生活的平衡


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