发布于 9 年前 作者 im-here 2947 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前 来自 问答


Run length:                   00:01:00

Number of test clients:       1

Number of hits:               3279
Requests per Second:          54.68

Socket Statistics
Socket Connects:              3478
Total Bytes Sent (in KB):     1011.17
Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s):    16.86
Total Bytes Recv (in KB):     10861.53
Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s):    181.13

Socket Errors
Connect:                      0
Send:                         0
Recv:                         0
Timeouts:                     0

RDS Results
Successful Queries:           0

Script Settings
Number of threads:            200

Test length:                  00:01:00
Warmup:                       00:00:00
Cooldown:                     00:00:00

Use Random Delay:             No

Follow Redirects:             Yes
Max Redirect Depth:           15

Clients used in test

Clients not used in test

Result Codes
Code      Description                   Count     
200       OK                            3279      

Page Summary
Page                            Hits      TTFB Avg  TTLB Avg  Auth      Query     
GET /testLogin                  3279      254.95    3483.11   No        No