[成都]求 nodejs / GO 开发攻城狮各一枚
发布于 9 年前 作者 ywencn 4562 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前 来自 招聘

Our company: http://abovegem.com

**Requirement: ** BS degree in Computer Science, similar technical field of study or equivalent practical experience.

  • At least 3+ years of experience building successful production software systems, and/or developing large scale web applications
  • Experience developing service oriented architectures and an understanding of design for scalability, performance and reliability
  • Knowledge of professional software engineering practices & best practices for the full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations
  • Good understanding of Unix/Linux
  • Knowledge of NodeJS, Go language preferred

**salary 14k to 20k per month before bonus **

简历请发到邮箱 jason.zhu#2vive.com 同时 CC victor.zhang#2vive.com #请替换成 @

4 回复

我知道你们,工作地点太蛋疼 自豪地采用 CNodeJS ionic

@captainblue2013 找半天都不知道地点在哪里,在外国?


