npm Orgs 免费啦 for 开源项目
发布于 8 年前 作者 xcatliu 3971 次浏览 来自 分享

刚收到邮件,开源项目可以免费创建 npm Orgs 啦

我为 Mobi.css 创建了一个 Org,可以更方便的在 v2.0.0 中组织 pugins 和 themes

3 回复

立马过去注册了个 vux


We started npm, Inc. to support the npm Registry’s growth and to reduce developer friction. At close to 450,000 public packages downloaded more than 2 billion times every week, the npm community has built the world’s largest software registry by far — and we’re still working to make it easier to find, share, and reuse great code.

This week, we’re excited to announce that npm Orgs, our collaboration tool for helping teams manage permissions and share their code, is free for all developers of open source packages. You may invite an unlimited number of collaborators to manage an unlimited number of public packages for $0.

We launched Orgs in 2015 for companies that needed to mix public and private code. They wanted an easy way to set permissions for multiple team members and multiple packages. Now, teams who don’t need private packages can use this functionality too.

Why would we give away our most popular product? Making it easier to collaborate on open source projects is good for the whole community, and anything that reduces friction makes it easier for everyone to build amazing things.

Take a look at our Orgs docs to learn how these work, and create a free Org now to supercharge how you collaborate on development projects.

If you run into any questions, just drop a line to our support team at, and if you have any ideas or thoughts to share, just reply to this email. We can’t wait to see what you build.

npm ♥ you

Isaac Z. Schlueter, CEO and the wombats of npm, Inc.

