安利一波应用 -- 服务器自动化更新代码
发布于 7 年前 作者 kelvv 3161 次浏览 来自 分享

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如果你的服务器应用需要自动监控代码更新,自动重启? my-deploy 支持所有git代码管理库,并且同时支持

  1. 主动拉取最新git commit
  2. 接收webhook

详情请到github :

It is a tool for use during development or production of a node.js based application whitch power by git.

The only work you need to do is to Prepare the my-deploy configuration file for your project.

my-deploy used git to check or update your project file , so your project must under git .

my-deploy support two mode:

pullwatch : Repeate fetch and check in a fixed time webhook : watching http request and check if need update the project operator system support: window , mac ox , linux

version control support: github , bitbucket , gitcafe … … …

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