更优雅的 node.js 框架 :nestjs 5.1 发布 ,支持异步动态 modules
发布于 7 年前 作者 zuohuadong 2888 次浏览 来自 分享

Nest是构建高效,可扩展的 Node.js Web 应用程序的框架。 它使用现代的 JavaScript 或 TypeScript(保留与纯 JavaScript 的兼容性),并结合 OOP(面向对象编程),FP(函数式编程)和FRP(函数响应式编程)的元素。

在底层,Nest 使用了 Express,但也提供了与其他各种库的兼容,例如Fastify,可以方便地使用各种可用的第三方插件。


common: FileFieldsInterceptor upload multiple files with different names (multer.fields) #741 core: support async dynamic modules #800 core: exclude routes in the MiddlewareBuilder #790 core: support RouteInfo in the MiddlewareBuilder (restrict middleware to certain request method)

   { path: 'cats', method: RequestMethod.GET },
   { path: 'cats', method: RequestMethod.POST },

Bug Fixes

common: empty body ends up with 500 error (ValidationPipe) #734 core: the last one of APP_ providers get registered #812 core: middleware runs more than once #779 core: custom decorators not being treated as default ones #765 microservices: allow gRPC stream cancellation #773


common: expose axiosRef from HttpService#842 common: make MiddlewareFunction generic #778 microservices: propagate internal gRPC error #844 testing: type signature for TestModule.get() is too restrictive #772


要查看 指南, 请访问 docs.nestjs.cn. books 要查看 English指南, 请访问 docs.nestjs.com. books
