发布于 6 年前 作者 kalengo 2441 次浏览 来自 分享



今天给大家介绍 logger日志工具的使用,用dev的小哥哥的话说:log 工具,基于 tracer,简单,可以显示 log 的位置。


3.0 版本开始,将不对 tracer 做任何封装,直接使用 Tracer

详细用法见 tracer 文档



默认版本是把 log 输出到 console

import { Logger } from 'klg-logger'

const logger = Logger({
  level: config.get('log.level'),
  dateformat: 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.L',
  inspectOpt: {
    showHidden: false, // if true then the object's non-enumerable properties will be shown too. Defaults to false
    depth: 5 // tells inspect how many times to recurse while formatting the object. This is useful for inspecting large complicated objects. Defaults to 2. To make it recurse indefinitely pass null.
})'hello world')
logger.debug('hello %s', 'world')
logger.error('hello %s', 'error')

export {logger}  


interface LoggerConfig {
     * Output format (Using `tinytim` templating)
     * Defaults to: `"{{timestamp}} <{{title}}> {{file}}:{{line}} ({{method}}) {{message}}"`
     * Possible values:
     * - timestamp: current time
     * - title: method name, default is 'log', 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error','fatal'
     * - level: method level, default is 'log':0, 'trace':1, 'debug':2, 'info':3, 'warn':4, 'error':5, 'fatal':6
     * - message: printf message, support %s string, %d number, %j JSON and auto inspect
     * - file: file name
     * - line: line number
     * - pos: position
     * - path: file's path
     * - method: method name of caller
     * - stack: call stack message
    format?: string | [string, LevelOption<string>];
     * Datetime format (Using `Date Format`)
    dateformat?: string;
    filters?: FilterFunction[] | LevelOption<FilterFunction> | Array<FilterFunction | LevelOption<FilterFunction | FilterFunction[]>>;
     * Output the log, if level of log larger than or equal to `level`.
    level?: string | number;
    methods?: string[];
     * Get the specified index of stack as file information. It is useful for development package.
    stackIndex?: number;
    inspectOpt?: {
         * If true then the object's non-enumerable properties will be shown too. Defaults to false.
        showHidden: boolean,
         * Tells inspect how many times to recurse while formatting the object.
         * This is useful for inspecting large complicated objects.
         * Defaults to 2. To make it recurse indefinitely pass null.
        depth: number

     * Pre-process the log object.
    preprocess?(data: LogOutput): void;
     * Transport function (e.g. console.log)
    transport?: TransportFunction | TransportFunction[];

自定义 transport

如果你需要把 log 输出到文件或者发送其他地方,可以自定义 transport function

import { Logger } from 'klg-logger'
const logger = new Logger({
  level: 'log',
  transport: function (data: Tracer.LogOutput) {
    // 写文件
    // 发送其他地址

    assert(data.level === 0)
logger.log('hello world')


如果你需要把 log 输出到文件或者发送其他地方,可以自定义 transport function

import { LoggerDaily } from 'klg-logger'
const logger = LoggerDaily({
  root: '/data/app/log',
  maxLogFiles: 10,
  allLogsFileName : true,
  level: 'log'
logger.log('hello world')
logger.err = logger.error
logger.err('hello world')


interface DailyFileConfig {
     * All daily log file's dir, default to: `'.'`.
    root?: string;
     * Log file path format.
     * Default to: `'{{root}}/{{prefix}}.{{date}}.log'`
     * Possible values:
     * - `root`: all daily log file's dir, default to: `'.'`.
     * - `prefix`: it equal to `allLogsFileName`, if `allLogsFileName` is provided; else it will be the method name.
     * - `date`: today's date.
    logPathFormat?: string;
     * Datetime format (Using `Date Format`)
    splitFormat?: string;
     * If `allLogsFileName` is provided then all level logs will be move to one daily log file.
    allLogsFileName?: boolean;
    maxLogFiles?: number;

