为了学以致用,我用 net 和 buffer 两个模块撸了一个 mysql 协议客户端
发布于 6 年前 作者 xvrzhao 4681 次浏览 来自 分享

欢迎指点交流,欢迎 star ! source code: github:xvrzhao/promise-mysql-client

Promise MySQL Client

A MySQL protocol client that provides the Promise APIs but allows you to separate query operations from the callback or then of the connect operation.

Supports MySQL server 5.7.5+


$ npm i promise-mysql-client


const Client = require('promise-mysql-client')

// connect to server in synchronous code
const mysql = new Client('localhost', 3306, 'test', 'root', 'root')

// you can query here that the client has already connected to the server :)
mysql.query("insert into users values (1, 'xavier')").then(res => { ... })

// imitate the http request after 3 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
    mysql.query("select * from users where id = 1")
        .then(user => {
            return mysql.query(`update users set name = 'xvrzhao' where id = ${user.id}`)
        .then(res => {
            if (res.numOfAffectedRows === 1) console.log('updated')
        .catch(err => { ... })
}, 3000)

Query Sequence

const sqlStr1 = "sql statement"
const sqlStr2 = "sql statement"
const sqlStr3 = "sql statement"

mysql.query(sqlStr1).then(() => mysql.query(sqlStr2))

// query sequence: sqlStr1 -> sqlStr3 -> sqlStr2

Coroutines Style

const sqlStr1 = "sql statement"
const sqlStr2 = "sql statement"
const sqlStr3 = "sql statement"

;(async () => {
    await mysql.query(sqlStr1)
    await mysql.query(sqlStr2)

;(async () => {
    await mysql.query(sqlStr3)

// query sequence: sqlStr1 -> sqlStr3 -> sqlStr2

Reconnect after Close

mysql.close().then(() => {
    mysql.connect() // will connect at process.nextTick 
}).then(() => {
    // promise.then will been executed after process.nextTick
    mysql.query("delete from users where id = 12")


new Client(host:string, port:number, database:string, username:string, password:string): Client

Get the client instance and connect to the server.

Client.prototype.query(sqlStatement:string): Promise<Object>

Database query operation.

Client.prototype.close(): Promise<void>

Disconnect from the MySQL server.

Client.prototype.connect(): void

Reconnect after disconnection.

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