npm 商标权争夺 更新 nodejitsu 撤销了商标注册
发布于 10 年前 作者 Pana 4184 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前

npm, Inc 要求 Nodejitsu停止使用 npm 标识及 logo. 作为反击 Nodejitsu 正在注册 npm 商标 之后 mikeal 写了一个 gist 抨击 Nodejitsu 还有同学尝试开发一个全新的npm registry


Charlie Robbins 刚刚发布一篇博客: An open letter to the Node community 提到撤消了npm 商标的注册

提到了对 node 社区的一些看法和感情, 这下 nodejitsu 做出了正确的选择.

不过问题是node现在向着两家公司(Joyent, npm,Inc)私人财产的方向发展, 这让大家很是担心呀, 对Node的长期发展不利, 目前最好的解决办法应该是 有开源基金会发展, 不过照现在的架势完全没有可能

7 回复


英文很多, 没怎么看懂.
好像Nodejistu和npm, Inc有矛盾

矛盾大多都是因为利益争夺, 现在两家在争夺 npm 的商标

@panawang 哦. 不知道你支持哪方? npm, Inc公司好像新成立, 没什么信誉度啊.

@meteor 商标我认为应该是属于 npm, Inc 的, 但 npm 不应该阻止 nodejitsu 使用. 因为 npm 本来是开源的. 最近看了 npm 的 github 项目最下边的 legal staff 更新, 完全是从开源向私有转变的趋势

"npm" and "The npm Registry" are owned by npm, Inc. All rights reserved. See the included LICENSE file for more details.

"Node.js" and "node" are trademarks owned by Joyent, Inc.

Modules published on the npm registry are not officially endorsed by npm, Inc. or the Node.js project.

Data published to the npm registry is not part of npm itself, and is the sole property of the publisher. While every effort is made to ensure accountability, there is absolutely no guarantee, warrantee, or assertion expressed or implied as to the quality, fitness for a specific purpose, or lack of malice in any given npm package.

If you have a complaint about a package in the public npm registry, and cannot resolve it with the package owner, please email and explain the situation.

Any data published to The npm Registry (including user account information) may be removed or modified at the sole discretion of the npm server administrators.

In plainer english

npm is the property of npm, Inc.

If you publish something, it's yours, and you are solely accountable for it.

If other people publish something, it's theirs.

Users can publish Bad Stuff. It will be removed promptly if reported. But there is no vetting process for published modules, and you use them at your own risk. Please inspect the source.

If you publish Bad Stuff, we may delete it from the registry, or even ban your account in extreme cases. So don't do that.