精华 iojs 中文化翻译启动, 有兴趣的同学看过来
发布于 10 年前 作者 Pana 13037 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 9 年前 来自 分享


Welcome, new localizations team :)

To get this team up and running you have a few initial tasks to accomplish:

Create a README.md for this repository, it should include: A “call to action” pointing to the Issue tracker for new translators to find tasks. A list of the team members. Instructions on how to log an issue to be added to this team. Set the repository description. This should not be in English, it should be in the language for this community :) Social Media Create a twitter account for this language. Share the password privately with the team. Create accounts on other social media popular in this language. Share the passwords private with the rest of the team. Make sure you use these accounts not just to promote newly translated material but also to attract people in your community to help with translation tasks. Optional: If you plan to do a Google hangout w/ your localization team have @mikeal add you to the Google+ account so that it can post to the iojs YouTube channel. Once you are added there is documentation on how to setup a hangout-on-air. Finally, create a new Issue to translate and publish the latest io.js post. Once translated you should post it wherever you think it will get the most visibility to the community speaking you language, you don’t have to post it to Medium unless you think that it is best.

23 回复

Sorry, “Create a twitter account”? Great wall…

有兴趣的同学都看过来呀, 虽然项目才一天, 不过已经有好多小伙伴加入了进来, 而且进展也相当迅速, 网站中文化翻译已经基本完成了

@Pana io.js和express类似,只是一个库么?

@chapgaga io.js 和 node.js 类似, 是node.js 的fork
express是 他们之上的web框架

@cdll issue close 了, 不过翻译工作在持续进行, 欢迎参与 https://github.com/iojs/iojs-cn/




@copycatx5 node上的项目,可以直接在io.js上跑么?

@copycatx5 就活跃度来说 iojs完全超过node


@imsingo 有呀, 如果有兴趣的话到 github issue里看下

@Pana 大家都在尝鲜吧? 可是用了iojs,还能退回node么? 是不是一旦上了贼船就下不了了呢?

@chapgaga 基本是这样的,不过貌似iojs跟node合并的可能性很高。

@Pana 是直接取消node,用iojs替代node吧? iojs不是完全兼容Node么?是对node的增强?

I can’t open it…

@chapgaga 算是对node的增加…Joyent控制下的node的发展太慢, 导致大部分node的活跃开发人员很不满,于是就自己拉出一个版本来干.所以,可以理解为io.js是对node.js的增加.现在atom-shell, node-webkit新版都已经切换到io.js上了…io.js的开发活跃度完爆node.js,算是倒逼joyent加快node的开发.

@kingliang123 io.js不是脱离node,io.js每次还会去node那里拉代码更新么? io.js在windows上好像还没什么好的包管理器…

@chapgaga npm用着挺好的啊… 拉不拉代码不清楚,不过iojs那帮人表示:如果joyent改变他们对于node这种强控制,他们倒是很乐意和node进行合并…

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