发布于 6 年前 作者 krircc 4053 次浏览 来自 分享

🎉🎉>欢迎参与Rust中文:Rust-weekly 参与入口,本文同步于Rust-weekly-2019-05-09


  1. Actix系列在最新的Web框架性能排行榜实现所有选项屠榜
  2. The RustBridge Roadmap for 2019
  3. This week in Amethyst 16
  4. A final proposal for await syntax
  5. This Week in Rust 285


  1. 理解 Rust 中的 Closure
  2. 试试看 - 搭建自己的 Rust Cargo Crate 反向代理源
  3. RUST语言在Windows上的编译安装(GCC ABI)
  4. Windows Linux子系统使用rustup重新安装Rust
  5. Rust parallelism for non-C/C++ developers
  6. Extending Python with Rust
  7. Rust: How to build a Docker image with private Cargo dependencies
  8. Explained: Futures in Rust for Web Development
  9. 用Rust写脚本语言
  10. 从零开始写 OS
  11. Kubernetes operators in rust
  12. Using Rust for Gamedev
  13. 6 useful Rust macros that you might not have seen before
  14. World’s First Private Cargo Registry w/ Cloudsmith + Rust
  15. 如何理解 rust 中的 Sync、Send?
  16. [译] Rust如何解决依赖地狱
  17. Compile-time coprocessor codegen, with Rust macros
  18. Rust Patterns: Enums Instead Of Booleans
  19. How to build sitemap for images with Rust
  20. Cross-platform Rust
  21. Writing your first WebAssembly Project
  22. How to use datas to build sitemap with Rust Diesel
  23. 2D Graphics on Modern GPU
  24. Hawk-Rust Series: Kafka with Rust
  25. HAWK-Rust Series: Automate Infrastructure using Terraform
  26. Hawk: Image Recognition Application using Rust and AWS Services
  27. WebAssembly, Rust, and Edge Computing
  28. Another Way of Creating struct Instances in Rust
  29. I underestimated the dangers of Rust FFI


  1. vtext - NLP in Rust with Python bindings
  2. microamp - A (micro) framework for building bare-metal AMP (Asymmetric Multi-Processing) applications
  3. Graphene - A backup solution for the distributed enterprise platforms of today.
  4. shipcat - A standardisation tool and security layer on top of kubernetes to config manage microservices
  5. quiche - quiche is an implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3 as specified by the IETF
  6. trybuild - Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics
  7. tobj - Tiny OBJ Loader in Rust
  8. finshir - A coroutines-driven Low & Slow traffic sender, written in Rust


  1. 【编程】Rust 教程 | 中文字幕 - 系列视频
  2. Rust and Tell April 2019: Lin Clark - WASI
  3. rusty-typescript - A TypeScript compiler written in Rust.
  4. Stefan Schindler: Parallel Programming with Thread pools and iterators



    • 上周发布了10个问题。其中10个问题已经结束,0个问题仍然存在。

    • 上周,创建,更新或合并了9个拉取请求。



One More Thing(有趣)

  1. GNU Guix 1.0.0 released
  2. flow9: a cross-platform modern UI for Web, iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux android ios linux mac web windows
  3. llvm-mca - LLVM Machine Code Analyzer
  4. A Reading List for Computer Scientists
  5. Algebraic Data Types in four languages
  6. Microsoft launches React Native(C++)for Windows
  7. Announcing WSL 2
  8. Remote Development with VS Code
  9. The 5.1 kernel has been released
  10. 微软宣布 .NET 5 计划,支持跨平台、移动开发
  11. Google Keynote (Google I/O’19)
  12. Google I/O 2019 full Livestream
  13. Microsoft Build 2019 - LIVE Stream - Day 1 (May 6)
  14. Microsoft Build 2019 // Vision Keynote + Imagine Cup World Championship
  15. WebAssembly. Neither Web Nor Assembly, All Revolutionary
5 回复



用php 防止并发太高~


@alsotang 遵命, 不再发了
