适合强迫症的行尾代码注释对齐vscode插件(Align Tail Comments)
发布于 2 个月前 作者 sbfkcel 830 次浏览 来自 分享


Align comments after each line of code to the ruler.If the line comment is not after the code it is not affected, since this is the start of a block.

插件地址 https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=sbfkcel-align-tail-comments.align-tail-comments


  • Install this extension;
  • (ctrl|cmd)+shift+p -> Align Tail Comments
  • You can add snaplines by configuring settings.json.
    • settings.json -> "editor.rulers": [100]

If you do not want to configure rulers, you can modify the column values ​​in the extended options.
