发布于 11 年前 作者 jobthoughtworks 9681 次浏览 最后一次编辑是 8 年前

找工作=简历+面试 ?No ! 拉勾网携手ThoughtWorks 招代码奇才,不看简历,代码说话。无需干爹,不必爸爸是李刚,you can you up.

从看到消息这一秒开始——你就可以潜心写代码,Java ,C++ , C# , Ruby ,Javascript , Python都可以,鼓励使用单元测试,展示你出色的面向对象能力。

5月4日上午9:00前把作品传回来给我们; 5月4日——7日,我们会夜以继日推敲你的代码; 5月8日——9日,通过代码测试的你,会接到我们温柔的电话; 5月10日——11日,来ThoughtWorks感受一天独特面试。(包括逻辑笔试、结对编程、技术对话)

ThoughtWorks被评为全球最难面试科技公司,就算没吃到猪肉,你也将成为一个见过猪跑的人! “世之奇伟、瑰怪、非常之观,常在于险远,而人之所罕至焉,故非有志者不能至也”,国际环境,风口行业,神一样的队友,不看简历,代码说话。程序猿们!爆发吧!扬眉吐气、验明正身的时刻到了!


33 回复



function tw(x, y, z){
  for(var i = 1; i <= 100; i++){
    if(~(i + '').indexOf(x)){
      var temp  = ((i % x) ? '' : 'Fizz') + ((i % y) ? '' : 'Buzz') + ((i % z) ? '' : 'Whizz');
      (temp) ? console.log(temp) : console.log(i); 





楼主的语气好像有点传销的风格,哈哈,就和那个电视广告一样,不然楼主先给我来一段, ####12行之内并且只用一个变量的9*9乘法表打印的代码,不限语言!有本事挑战吗? 按照你的说话风格就是,对!!你听得没错就是12行,不要40行,也不要30行,只要12行!!12行啊!!!

for(var i = 1; i <=9; i++){
    var a1 = ((i - 8) <= 0) ? '' : ((i - 8) + '*' + i + '=' + (i - 8) * i + ' ');
    var a2 = ((i - 7) <= 0) ? '' : ((i - 7) + '*' + i + '=' + (i - 7) * i + ' ');
    var a3 = ((i - 6) <= 0) ? '' : ((i - 6) + '*' + i + '=' + (i - 6) * i + ' ');
    var a4 = ((i - 5) <= 0) ? '' : ((i - 5) + '*' + i + '=' + (i - 5) * i + ' ');
    var a5 = ((i - 4) <= 0) ? '' : ((i - 4) + '*' + i + '=' + (i - 4) * i + ' ');
    var a6 = ((i - 3) <= 0) ? '' : ((i - 3) + '*' + i + '=' + (i - 3) * i + ' ');
    var a7 = ((i - 2) <= 0) ? '' : ((i - 2) + '*' + i + '=' + (i - 2) * i + ' ');
    var a8 = ((i - 1) <= 0) ? '' : ((i - 1) + '*' + i + '=' + (i - 1) * i + ' ');
    var a9 = i + '*' + i + '=' + i * i + ' ';
    console.log(a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8 + a9);






s = [] do { s[s.length] = []; do { s[s.length - 1].push(’’ + s.length + ’ x ’ + (s[s.length - 1].length + 1) + ’ = ’ + s.length * (s[s.length - 1].length + 1)); } while (s[s.length - 1].length < s.length); s[s.length - 1] = s[s.length - 1].join(’ ') } while (s.length < 9)



1 x 1 = 1 2 x 1 = 2 2 x 2 = 4 3 x 1 = 3 3 x 2 = 6 3 x 3 = 9 4 x 1 = 4 4 x 2 = 8 4 x 3 = 12 4 x 4 = 16 5 x 1 = 5 5 x 2 = 10 5 x 3 = 15 5 x 4 = 20 5 x 5 = 25 6 x 1 = 6 6 x 2 = 12 6 x 3 = 18 6 x 4 = 24 6 x 5 = 30 6 x 6 = 36 7 x 1 = 7 7 x 2 = 14 7 x 3 = 21 7 x 4 = 28 7 x 5 = 35 7 x 6 = 42 7 x 7 = 49 8 x 1 = 8 8 x 2 = 16 8 x 3 = 24 8 x 4 = 32 8 x 5 = 40 8 x 6 = 48 8 x 7 = 56 8 x 8 = 64 9 x 1 = 9 9 x 2 = 18 9 x 3 = 27 9 x 4 = 36 9 x 5 = 45 9 x 6 = 54 9 x 7 = 63 9 x 8 = 72 9 x 9 = 81

Process finished with exit code 0 是要这样的结果吗?

@coordcn 还有一个条件就是只能是一个变量啊,你这个都10个变量了。:)

@struCoder 我把9个变量分开写了,9个可以放到一行里,哈哈。

@feige05 哇,赞赞!!那么s.length以及s[s.length - 1].length也是变量啊。:) 要求变量只允许一个!!

@struCoder 其实这才是最好的答案

var m9 = [
  "1×2=2 2×2=4",
  "1×3=3 2×3=6  3×3=9", 
  "1×4=4 2×4=8  3×4=12 4×4=16",  
  "1×5=5 2×5=10 3×5=15 4×5=20 5×5=25",  
  "1×6=6 2×6=12 3×6=18 4×6=24 5×6=30 6×6=36",  
  "1×7=7 2×7=14 3×7=21 4×7=28 5×7=35 6×7=42 7×7=49",  
  "1×8=8 2×8=16 3×8=24 4×8=32 5×8=40 6×8=48 7×8=56 8×8=64",  
  "1×9=9 2×9=18 3×9=27 4×9=36 5×9=45 6×9=54 7×9=63 8×9=72 9×9=81"


@coordcn 哈哈,为何放弃治疗啊,还有更好的方法哦。我这边的是C++实现的。:)

@struCoder 贴出来看看啊


@coordcn 先等等,看论坛里有没有人实现。到时候我自然将代码贴上来的。have fun :)





@coordcn 我擦,,都是大神级的啊,我的方法和8楼的差不多,那在这里我的代码就不贴了,嘿嘿,那个15楼的真的是递归大神啊。。



@coordcn 我也喜欢二楼的的方法,清晰明了


using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace FizzBuzzWhizz
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
        static void Output(string recive)
            int[] Input = recive.Split(',').Select(i => Convert.ToInt32(i)).ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(i.ToString().Contains(Input[0].ToString()) ? "Fizz" : (0 != i % Input[0] && 0 != i % Input[1] && 0 != i % Input[2]) ? i.ToString() : (0 == i % Input[0] ? "Fizz" : "") + (0 == i % Input[1] ? "Buzz" : "") + (0 == i % Input[2] ? "Whizz" : ""));


@jobthoughtworks 貌似面试难度和给的待遇不成正比

php 实现 <?php class FizzBuzzWhizz{ private $_special=array(); private $_words=array(); public function __construct(array $special,array $words){ if(in_array(0,$special)){ exit(‘特殊数中不能含有0’); } if(count($special)!=count($words)){ exit(‘特殊数和替代词不对称’); } $this->_special=$special; $this->_words=$words; } public function run($num){ $output=’’; for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++){ $output.=$this->_calculate($i); } echo $output; exit(); } private function _calculate($number){ $str=’’; if(strpos($number,$this->_special[0]) > 0){ return $this->_words[0]."\r\n"; } foreach($this->_special as $k=>$v){ if($number%$v === 0){ $str.=$this->_words[$k]; } } return $str==’’?$number."\r\n": $str."\r\n"; } }

$special=array(3,5,7); $words=array(‘Fizz’,‘Buzz’,‘Whizz’); $obj=new FizzBuzzWhizz($special,$words); $obj->run(100);

$special=array(3,5,7,9); $words=array(‘Fizz’,‘Buzz’,‘Whizz’,‘haha’); $obj=new FizzBuzzWhizz($special,$words); $obj->run(200); 特殊数可以是任意个,数值范围任意(1~xxx) 计算的函数应该进一步独立(偷个懒),以便修改和替换

(function xx(a) { if (a -1 > 0) xx(a-1); for (var i=1;i<=a;++i) { process.stdout.write ("" + i + “x” + a + “=” + i*a + " "); } process.stdout.write(’\n’); })(9);

!function (p, m, i, c, l) {
  while (i++ < c) {
    l(((i + '').indexOf(p[0]) + 1) ? m[0] : (p.map(function (n, j) {
      return i % n ? '' : m[j]
    }).join('') || i))
}([ 3, 5, 7 ], [ 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 'Whizz' ], 0, 100, console.log)

在Terminal下運行 seq 9 | sed 'H;g' | awk -v RS='' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)printf("%dx%d=%d%s", i, NR, i*NR, i==NR?"\n":"\t")}'

@struCoder 这个算法,用矩阵计算要比循环效率高的多,时间复杂度是O(0)。 R语言实现,仅4行:



 [1] "1 * 1 = 1"  "1 * 2 = 2"  "1 * 3 = 3"  "1 * 4 = 4"  "1 * 5 = 5"  "1 * 6 = 6"  "1 * 7 = 7"  "1 * 8 = 8"  "1 * 9 = 9" 
[10] "2 * 1 = 2"  "2 * 2 = 4"  "2 * 3 = 6"  "2 * 4 = 8"  "2 * 5 = 10" "2 * 6 = 12" "2 * 7 = 14" "2 * 8 = 16" "2 * 9 = 18"
[19] "3 * 1 = 3"  "3 * 2 = 6"  "3 * 3 = 9"  "3 * 4 = 12" "3 * 5 = 15" "3 * 6 = 18" "3 * 7 = 21" "3 * 8 = 24" "3 * 9 = 27"
[28] "4 * 1 = 4"  "4 * 2 = 8"  "4 * 3 = 12" "4 * 4 = 16" "4 * 5 = 20" "4 * 6 = 24" "4 * 7 = 28" "4 * 8 = 32" "4 * 9 = 36"
[37] "5 * 1 = 5"  "5 * 2 = 10" "5 * 3 = 15" "5 * 4 = 20" "5 * 5 = 25" "5 * 6 = 30" "5 * 7 = 35" "5 * 8 = 40" "5 * 9 = 45"
[46] "6 * 1 = 6"  "6 * 2 = 12" "6 * 3 = 18" "6 * 4 = 24" "6 * 5 = 30" "6 * 6 = 36" "6 * 7 = 42" "6 * 8 = 48" "6 * 9 = 54"
[55] "7 * 1 = 7"  "7 * 2 = 14" "7 * 3 = 21" "7 * 4 = 28" "7 * 5 = 35" "7 * 6 = 42" "7 * 7 = 49" "7 * 8 = 56" "7 * 9 = 63"
[64] "8 * 1 = 8"  "8 * 2 = 16" "8 * 3 = 24" "8 * 4 = 32" "8 * 5 = 40" "8 * 6 = 48" "8 * 7 = 56" "8 * 8 = 64" "8 * 9 = 72"
[73] "9 * 1 = 9"  "9 * 2 = 18" "9 * 3 = 27" "9 * 4 = 36" "9 * 5 = 45" "9 * 6 = 54" "9 * 7 = 63" "9 * 8 = 72" "9 * 9 = 81"

coffee一行也行 <code> ((one, two, three) -> console.log [1…100].map (number) -> “#{one}” in “#{number}” and ‘Fizz’ or ([one, two, three].map (item, i) => if number % item is 0 then [‘Fizz’, ‘Buzz’, ‘Whizz’][i] else ‘’).join(’’) or number)(3, 5, 7) </code>
